31 Things

Well, I have made it to another birthday. And not just any birthday, it is my golden birthday; 31 on the 31st. Entering my 30’s was a big deal and has really been stressful. So to help out things in perspective and celebrate walking into my golden year, I decided to create a list of 31 things I have learned. Maybe this will help you like it helped me to realize perspective matters and is shaped by you alone: what you see is really what you get.

1. An empty wagon makes a lot of noise. Some people talk just to hear the sound of their own voice and usually have morning of merit to say. Usually it’s those with the most going on or with the most amount of wisdom that wait for the right time to speak. This making their words more impactful.

2. Bloom where you are planted. There is no point in wishing you were elsewhere or in someone else’s shoes. Make the most of where you are because you never know who is watching you for inspiration.

3. Take a deep breath and leap. Risks are what let’s you know you are really living. If it doesn’t scare you then it’s too small.

4.Naps are clutch. I didn’t understand growing up but now I deeply love and appreciate a good nap lol. It’s that time for a quick reset and replenishing of energy.

5. Social media is just the highlight reel. Everyone on social media is only putting their best foot forward. So don’t get discouraged if what you see from others doesn’t match what you are living. You never know what is happening behind the screen.

6. The unfollow/block button is your friend. Going further with number 5, if something on your timeline causes you continuous stress, anxiety or inferiority, block them and regain your peace of mind.

7. Expose yourself to something different. Even if it’s as small as watching something different on tv, you owe it to yourself to be exposed to more than what you are used to or comfortable with. The world is massive and your comfort zone is just a fraction of what is available

8. Music makes everything better. Music is my favorite escape. Plus it’s cheaper than a plane ticket. MiOc can realize stress and being clarity of mind. Add a little music to each day. Be present when listening and watch how your mood changes.

9. Parenting hardest and most rewarding jobs ever. Before I had children, I never realized how much they would change my life. I mean I knew it would change because of them. But I didn’t realize how much I would learn from them. For that I am super hard on myself to be the best parent I can possibly be. I am blown away daily by my children and sometimes it is even baffling to think that I am the reason behind such amazing little humans.

10. Things can change in an instant. Really that is all the time it takes for change to happen. The biggest thing with change is moreso mindset rather than length of time.

11. Your “type” is deceiving and not good for you. Be open to what you think you aren’t attracted to. The best experiences always come when least expected.

12. Don’t worry about checking the boxes. Time and seasons happen differently for everyone. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at the exact time you are supposed to be there.

13. Fashions fade, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent **Self-Explanatory**

14. Marriage is amazing and difficult at the same time. It’s a partnership and understanding between 2 people that are imperfectly perfect for each other. Every day will not be sunshine and rainbows. Don’t get me wrong, I love being married. It is amazing to be able to share your life intimately with another human/soul on a level that transcends physical attraction. But there are also so very hard days. But in the 5 years of my marriage, I have come to realize there is no other person I would want to face the good and bad times with other than my husband.

15. A good pair of shoes can change your entire vibe. Nothing beats a good pair of shoes. Especially if they are 5-6 inch heels. I instantly feel like Wonder Woman.

16. There is revelation in everything. Especially movies. 300 is one of my favorites to exegete.

17. Emotions must be felt. They part of the growing process. Suppression does nothing but make matters worse. Feel each emotion as it comes. Emotions are a continually reminder that we are human.

18. Insecurity is real and everyone experiences it. People try to hide it and cover it with filters and what not. But we all second guess ourselves. We all get overwhelmed. And we all compare ourselves to someone else. The thing that separates everyone is how to deal with those thoughts and moments.Which brings me to my next point……

19. Your tribe matters. The people you choose to surround yourself with will in many cases be the determining factor in how you deal with many of the curve balls life will throw at you. Choose wisely.

20. Remember why you started. When things get hard in friendships, at work, at school or wherever, remember what ignited the fire to being. That will keep you centered and will give you strength to continue on.

21. Your opinion of yourself is what matters most. People only see bits and pieces of you. They do not know you in totality. Rely on the one that knows you best; you.

22. Love is worth the experience. It may hurt, it may be difficult, it may be a wild ride but it will make you stronger, it will teach about yourself, it will expand you in ways you never thought possible. Love is something everyone needs to experience.

23. Live outside the box. Do not limit yourself to what is expected or deemed normal. Create your own rules and thrive.

24. Life without faith is not worth living. You have to have faith to get through life. It really is the currency of life. Faith brings things into perspective and fortifies you to weather storms.

25. Get dessert. It will make you feel better. Whether off the dessert menu or getting ice cream at home. Who can turn down sweet treat?

26. Trust is more valuable than money. Trust is everything, literally. It is how the world operates but so many people take it for granted.

27. Try new foods.. It expands the pallet and your thoughts. Food can be the window to the world. And great conversation always happens when good food is involved.

28. Learn your love language and act accordingly. It will make all your relationships easier. I promise.

29. The early 20’s is one of the most important periods in life. Be mindful but live your life. It is at this point you really begin to understand who you are.

30. Make eye contact and speak slowly. This makes sure you are being heard and that you are actively listening. Sometimes it will make the conversation harder because you are fully engaged. But you will walk away with better understanding and feeling as thought you have been adequately heard and understood.

31. Because God is the greatest power we shall not be defeated. No matter how things look, just remember God is in control and everything you are facing is part of the plan to bring you to an expected end.


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