Quarantine Clarity

2020 has came through with a vengeance like a woman scorned, huh? This year has hit hard from the death of the legendary Kobe Bryant to Corona Virus/Covid-19. To the multiple deaths that have shaken my denomination, Church of God In Christ, in such a short span of time.

During this time, I have had my own personal issues to shake me. The main one being the death of my grandfather. Death is one of those things that no matter how much you hear about it or try to prepare, when the moment comes you are never ready. But that is a different thought process for another post.

I am writing this post because during this self-quarantine, social distancing or whatever you wanna call it period I have had a lot of time to just think, think, thiiiiink.

This biggest conclusion I have come to is that the scenarios we create in our minds are worse than any physical prison we could ever be in. Whether its thoughts about who likes us, our self worth, future aspirations or relationships. We become our own worst enemy because we allow our thoughts to run wild and dictate the picture we see.

Take a moment and think of one of your biggest problems of 2019. I can guarantee the way you over came that situation was changing your mindset. When you changed the way you allowed yourself to look at the problem, the solution presented itself in one way or another.

During this quarantine period, take time to get clarity. Our busy schedules have been reduced greatly. Don’t get consumed in binge watching tv and catching up on sleep and miss this pivotal moment we are in. While trying to work from home, mange family and social relationships and staying out the kitchen; please take time to clear out the negative thoughts. The thoughts that hold you back, the thoughts that make you afraid, the thoughts that make you feel less than or make you feel like perfection is unattainable- let them all go.

Get a hold of your thoughts and reframe the way you think and your perception. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7a

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