
I wrote this for a Facebook group for wives I am in. After sleeping on the post, I felt it needed to be shared on a larger stage.

Marriage, much like every day life is FILLED with choices. When to mention this, do i really make this an argument, he didn’t pick up his dirty clothes so I’m not giving him an kiss. Just all kinds of choices.

As we make and weigh these choices, I would like to bring our attention to Esther. Esther had the ultimate choice to make; keep her mouth closed, stay in her place and be content or walk in to the king and save a nation. Our choices regarding the small matters on our marriages may not seem to have the same merit or even outcome. But even our small choices can make or break the life of our marriage.

Choose to be like Esther. But in choosing to be like Esther don’t just rely on your beauty or your body or sex to save the day. Sis, get you a Mordecai. Mordecai made Esther accountable. He made her see that her decision determined the fate of an entire nation. We as wives need someone in our corner not just to be a yes man. But to hold us accountable, bring us back to the Word and help us to realize a wise women really does build her house.

You may not realize it but an argument over laundry here, a sarcastic remark there lays the foundation and precedent for larger issues.

Example: he refuses to put his socks in the laundry basket. You’re fed up so you pick a fight. The argument goes from laundry, to working/helping around the house, to comparing to someone else’s spouse to name calling and shouting. No result is reached and you all sleep in separate rooms mad and on social media. Leaving room for the slippery slide into the DM.

In all that we do, we want to make sure we 1) honor God and 2) honor our marriage. Take a minute to think back on the past week and look at the decisions you made as a wife. See where your choices could’ve been better and think of ways to make a better decision next time. Also think of the decisions you made that were good and try to keep up the streak of good decisions. The strength and longevity of your marriage is dependent upon your choices.

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